PARENTS’ RESPONSIBILITIES – Green Valley Central School


Parents' Responsibilities

  • To encourage their wards’ punctuality and attendance at school.
  • To show an interest in their children’s school work, progress and home-study program by checking the diary and encouraging them to complete assignments.
  • To provide a suitable learning environment at home.
  • To read all school circulars.
  • To encourage an awareness in their children of the importance of having a reasonable balance between school work, family responsibilities and other activities.
  • To ensure that the children do not skip meals, and that they are in good health

Suggestions for what parents can do at home to support their children in their learning and engagement with the school

  • Ensure your child attends school regularly
  • Encourage your child to read regularly and extensively.
  • Encourage your ward to discuss his /her schoolwork and progress
  • Ensure your child has enough sleep (9 to10 hours) and a good breakfast
  • Make medical and dental appointments, whenever possible, in the holiday period or after school
  • Assist your son/daughter in formulating a realistic and achievable study and homework timetable, ensuring there is a good balance of time for physical activity, hobbies, television, computer games, paid employment, domestic duties and social activities
  • Provide a suitable homework and study space at home that is quiet, well lit and well ventilated with adequate shelving and a desk.
  • Assist your ward in setting short term and long term study goals and consider providing rewards for achieving these
  • If no homework is set, encourage your child to undertake revision work, prepare notes for examinations or read
  • Set and enforce rules discouraging music, computer games, online chatting and the use of mobile phones and television during study and homework time .
  • Keep track of your wards’ timetable, the school calendar, homework, subjects and co-curricular requirements, through regular monitoring of your ward’s school diary
  • Discuss current issues and look at alternative viewpoints to improve reasoning; for the intellectual joy of it, encourage your child to argue counter ideas to fine-tune logic and the ability to sustain an argument intellectually rather than emotionally
  • If possible, read the English texts your son/daughter is studying and discuss the themes
  • Instill values of tolerance, compassion, sharing and equality of social class, and gender
  • Become involved with school programs.